> WordPress中文手册 > wordpress进阶教程(三十六):文章浏览量统计-重复刷新不增加




/***********文章统计*********/ function process_postviews() { global $user_ID, $post; if(check_cookie($post)) return; if(is_int($post)) { $post = get_post($post); } if(!wp_is_post_revision($post)) { if(is_single() || is_page()) { $id = intval($post->ID); //$post_views = get_post_custom($id); $post_views = get_post_meta($id,'_check_count',true); //统计所有人 $should_count = true; //排除机器人 $bots = array('Google Bot' => 'googlebot', 'Google Bot' => 'google', 'MSN' => 'msnbot', 'Alex' => 'ia_archiver', 'Lycos' => 'lycos', 'Ask Jeeves' => 'jeeves', 'Altavista' => 'scooter', 'AllTheWeb' => 'fast-webcrawler', 'Inktomi' => 'slurp@inktomi', 'Turnitin.com' => 'turnitinbot', 'Technorati' => 'technorati', 'Yahoo' => 'yahoo', 'Findexa' => 'findexa', 'NextLinks' => 'findlinks', 'Gais' => 'gaisbo', 'WiseNut' => 'zyborg', 'WhoisSource' => 'surveybot', 'Bloglines' => 'bloglines', 'BlogSearch' => 'blogsearch', 'PubSub' => 'pubsub', 'Syndic8' => 'syndic8', 'RadioUserland' => 'userland', 'Gigabot' => 'gigabot', 'Become.com' => 'become.com','Baidu Bot'=>'Baiduspider'); $useragent = $_SERVER['Http_USER_AGENT']; foreach ($bots as $name => $lookfor) { if (stristr($useragent, $lookfor) !== false) { $should_count = false; break; } } if($should_count) { if(!update_post_meta($id, '_check_count', ($post_views+1))) { add_post_meta($id, '_check_count', 1, true); } } } } } function check_cookie($post){ $COOKNAME = 'ashuwp_view'; if(isset($_COOKIE[$COOKNAME])) $cookie = $_COOKIE[$COOKNAME]; else return false; $id = $post->ID; if(empty($id)){ return false; } if(!empty($cookie)){ $list = explode('a', $cookie); if(!empty($list) && in_array($id, $list)){ return true; } } return false; } ### Function: Display The Post Views function the_views($display = true,$id) { $post_views = intval(get_post_meta($id,'_check_count',true)); $output = number_format_i18n($post_views); if($display) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } ### Function: Display Total Views if(!function_exists('get_totalviews')) { function get_totalviews($display = true) { global $wpdb; $total_views = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(meta_value+0) FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_check_count'")); if($display) { echo number_format_i18n($total_views); } else { return $total_views; } } } ### Function: Add Views Custom Fields add_action('publish_post', 'add_views_fields'); add_action('publish_page', 'add_views_fields'); function add_views_fields($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { add_post_meta($post_ID, '_check_count', 0, true); } } ### Function: Delete Views Custom Fields add_action('delete_post', 'delete_views_fields'); function delete_views_fields($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { delete_post_meta($post_ID, '_check_count'); } } $COOKNAME = 'ashuwp_view'; //cookie名称 $TIME = 3600 * 24; $PATH = '/'; $id = $posts[0]->ID; $expire = time() + $TIME; //cookie有效期 if(isset($_COOKIE[$COOKNAME])) $cookie = $_COOKIE[$COOKNAME]; //获取cookie else $cookie = ''; if(empty($cookie)){ //如果没有cookie setcookie($COOKNAME, $id, $expire, $PATH); }else{ //用a分割成数组 $list = explode('a', $cookie); //如果已经存在本文的id if(!in_array($id, $list)){ setcookie($COOKNAME, $cookie.'a'.$id, $expire, $PATH); } } process_postviews(); 浏览数:<?php the_views(true,$post->ID);?>


下面的代码是用来设置cookie的,会在用户浏览器端增加一个形如: 123a45a45a113 其中字母a是分隔文章ID的,有效期是一天,设置cookie前不能有任何输出,所以这些代码要添加在文件的最最开头。

/***********文章统计*********/ function process_postviews() { global $user_ID, $post; if(check_cookie($post)) return; if(is_int($post)) { $post = get_post($post); } if(!wp_is_post_revision($post)) { if(is_single() || is_page()) { $id = intval($post->ID); //$post_views = get_post_custom($id); $post_views = get_post_meta($id,'_check_count',true); //统计所有人 $should_count = true; //排除机器人 $bots = array('Google Bot' => 'googlebot', 'Google Bot' => 'google', 'MSN' => 'msnbot', 'Alex' => 'ia_archiver', 'Lycos' => 'lycos', 'Ask Jeeves' => 'jeeves', 'Altavista' => 'scooter', 'AllTheWeb' => 'fast-webcrawler', 'Inktomi' => 'slurp@inktomi', 'Turnitin.com' => 'turnitinbot', 'Technorati' => 'technorati', 'Yahoo' => 'yahoo', 'Findexa' => 'findexa', 'NextLinks' => 'findlinks', 'Gais' => 'gaisbo', 'WiseNut' => 'zyborg', 'WhoisSource' => 'surveybot', 'Bloglines' => 'bloglines', 'BlogSearch' => 'blogsearch', 'PubSub' => 'pubsub', 'Syndic8' => 'syndic8', 'RadioUserland' => 'userland', 'Gigabot' => 'gigabot', 'Become.com' => 'become.com','Baidu Bot'=>'Baiduspider'); $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; foreach ($bots as $name => $lookfor) { if (stristr($useragent, $lookfor) !== false) { $should_count = false; break; } } if($should_count) { if(!update_post_meta($id, '_check_count', ($post_views+1))) { add_post_meta($id, '_check_count', 1, true); } } } } } function check_cookie($post){ $COOKNAME = 'ashuwp_view'; if(isset($_COOKIE[$COOKNAME])) $cookie = $_COOKIE[$COOKNAME]; else return false; $id = $post->ID; if(empty($id)){ return false; } if(!empty($cookie)){ $list = explode('a', $cookie); if(!empty($list) && in_array($id, $list)){ return true; } } return false; } ### Function: Display The Post Views function the_views($display = true,$id) { $post_views = intval(get_post_meta($id,'_check_count',true)); $output = number_format_i18n($post_views); if($display) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } ### Function: Display Total Views if(!function_exists('get_totalviews')) { function get_totalviews($display = true) { global $wpdb; $total_views = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(meta_value+0) FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_check_count'")); if($display) { echo number_format_i18n($total_views); } else { return $total_views; } } } ### Function: Add Views Custom Fields add_action('publish_post', 'add_views_fields'); add_action('publish_page', 'add_views_fields'); function add_views_fields($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { add_post_meta($post_ID, '_check_count', 0, true); } } ### Function: Delete Views Custom Fields add_action('delete_post', 'delete_views_fields'); function delete_views_fields($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { delete_post_meta($post_ID, '_check_count'); } } $COOKNAME = 'ashuwp_view'; //cookie名称 $TIME = 3600 * 24; $PATH = '/'; $id = $posts[0]->ID; $expire = time() + $TIME; //cookie有效期 if(isset($_COOKIE[$COOKNAME])) $cookie = $_COOKIE[$COOKNAME]; //获取cookie else $cookie = ''; if(empty($cookie)){ //如果没有cookie setcookie($COOKNAME, $id, $expire, $PATH); }else{ //用a分割成数组 $list = explode('a', $cookie); //如果已经存在本文的id if(!in_array($id, $list)){ setcookie($COOKNAME, $cookie.'a'.$id, $expire, $PATH); } } process_postviews(); 浏览数:<?php the_views(true,$post->ID);?>

第三步:在single.php文件的 while( have_posts() ) : the_post();的后面增加统计浏览数的函数

/***********文章统计*********/ function process_postviews() { global $user_ID, $post; if(check_cookie($post)) return; if(is_int($post)) { $post = get_post($post); } if(!wp_is_post_revision($post)) { if(is_single() || is_page()) { $id = intval($post->ID); //$post_views = get_post_custom($id); $post_views = get_post_meta($id,'_check_count',true); //统计所有人 $should_count = true; //排除机器人 $bots = array('Google Bot' => 'googlebot', 'Google Bot' => 'google', 'MSN' => 'msnbot', 'Alex' => 'ia_archiver', 'Lycos' => 'lycos', 'Ask Jeeves' => 'jeeves', 'Altavista' => 'scooter', 'AllTheWeb' => 'fast-webcrawler', 'Inktomi' => 'slurp@inktomi', 'Turnitin.com' => 'turnitinbot', 'Technorati' => 'technorati', 'Yahoo' => 'yahoo', 'Findexa' => 'findexa', 'NextLinks' => 'findlinks', 'Gais' => 'gaisbo', 'WiseNut' => 'zyborg', 'WhoisSource' => 'surveybot', 'Bloglines' => 'bloglines', 'BlogSearch' => 'blogsearch', 'PubSub' => 'pubsub', 'Syndic8' => 'syndic8', 'RadioUserland' => 'userland', 'Gigabot' => 'gigabot', 'Become.com' => 'become.com','Baidu Bot'=>'Baiduspider'); $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; foreach ($bots as $name => $lookfor) { if (stristr($useragent, $lookfor) !== false) { $should_count = false; break; } } if($should_count) { if(!update_post_meta($id, '_check_count', ($post_views+1))) { add_post_meta($id, '_check_count', 1, true); } } } } } function check_cookie($post){ $COOKNAME = 'ashuwp_view'; if(isset($_COOKIE[$COOKNAME])) $cookie = $_COOKIE[$COOKNAME]; else return false; $id = $post->ID; if(empty($id)){ return false; } if(!empty($cookie)){ $list = explode('a', $cookie); if(!empty($list) && in_array($id, $list)){ return true; } } return false; } ### Function: Display The Post Views function the_views($display = true,$id) { $post_views = intval(get_post_meta($id,'_check_count',true)); $output = number_format_i18n($post_views); if($display) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } ### Function: Display Total Views if(!function_exists('get_totalviews')) { function get_totalviews($display = true) { global $wpdb; $total_views = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(meta_value+0) FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_check_count'")); if($display) { echo number_format_i18n($total_views); } else { return $total_views; } } } ### Function: Add Views Custom Fields add_action('publish_post', 'add_views_fields'); add_action('publish_page', 'add_views_fields'); function add_views_fields($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { add_post_meta($post_ID, '_check_count', 0, true); } } ### Function: Delete Views Custom Fields add_action('delete_post', 'delete_views_fields'); function delete_views_fields($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { delete_post_meta($post_ID, '_check_count'); } } $COOKNAME = 'ashuwp_view'; //cookie名称 $TIME = 3600 * 24; $PATH = '/'; $id = $posts[0]->ID; $expire = time() + $TIME; //cookie有效期 if(isset($_COOKIE[$COOKNAME])) $cookie = $_COOKIE[$COOKNAME]; //获取cookie else $cookie = ''; if(empty($cookie)){ //如果没有cookie setcookie($COOKNAME, $id, $expire, $PATH); }else{ //用a分割成数组 $list = explode('a', $cookie); //如果已经存在本文的id if(!in_array($id, $list)){ setcookie($COOKNAME, $cookie.'a'.$id, $expire, $PATH); } } process_postviews(); 浏览数:<?php the_views(true,$post->ID);?>




/***********文章统计*********/ function process_postviews() { global $user_ID, $post; if(check_cookie($post)) return; if(is_int($post)) { $post = get_post($post); } if(!wp_is_post_revision($post)) { if(is_single() || is_page()) { $id = intval($post->ID); //$post_views = get_post_custom($id); $post_views = get_post_meta($id,'_check_count',true); //统计所有人 $should_count = true; //排除机器人 $bots = array('Google Bot' => 'googlebot', 'Google Bot' => 'google', 'MSN' => 'msnbot', 'Alex' => 'ia_archiver', 'Lycos' => 'lycos', 'Ask Jeeves' => 'jeeves', 'Altavista' => 'scooter', 'AllTheWeb' => 'fast-webcrawler', 'Inktomi' => 'slurp@inktomi', 'Turnitin.com' => 'turnitinbot', 'Technorati' => 'technorati', 'Yahoo' => 'yahoo', 'Findexa' => 'findexa', 'NextLinks' => 'findlinks', 'Gais' => 'gaisbo', 'WiseNut' => 'zyborg', 'WhoisSource' => 'surveybot', 'Bloglines' => 'bloglines', 'BlogSearch' => 'blogsearch', 'PubSub' => 'pubsub', 'Syndic8' => 'syndic8', 'RadioUserland' => 'userland', 'Gigabot' => 'gigabot', 'Become.com' => 'become.com','Baidu Bot'=>'Baiduspider'); $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; foreach ($bots as $name => $lookfor) { if (stristr($useragent, $lookfor) !== false) { $should_count = false; break; } } if($should_count) { if(!update_post_meta($id, '_check_count', ($post_views+1))) { add_post_meta($id, '_check_count', 1, true); } } } } } function check_cookie($post){ $COOKNAME = 'ashuwp_view'; if(isset($_COOKIE[$COOKNAME])) $cookie = $_COOKIE[$COOKNAME]; else return false; $id = $post->ID; if(empty($id)){ return false; } if(!empty($cookie)){ $list = explode('a', $cookie); if(!empty($list) && in_array($id, $list)){ return true; } } return false; } ### Function: Display The Post Views function the_views($display = true,$id) { $post_views = intval(get_post_meta($id,'_check_count',true)); $output = number_format_i18n($post_views); if($display) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } ### Function: Display Total Views if(!function_exists('get_totalviews')) { function get_totalviews($display = true) { global $wpdb; $total_views = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(meta_value+0) FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_check_count'")); if($display) { echo number_format_i18n($total_views); } else { return $total_views; } } } ### Function: Add Views Custom Fields add_action('publish_post', 'add_views_fields'); add_action('publish_page', 'add_views_fields'); function add_views_fields($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { add_post_meta($post_ID, '_check_count', 0, true); } } ### Function: Delete Views Custom Fields add_action('delete_post', 'delete_views_fields'); function delete_views_fields($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { delete_post_meta($post_ID, '_check_count'); } } $COOKNAME = 'ashuwp_view'; //cookie名称 $TIME = 3600 * 24; $PATH = '/'; $id = $posts[0]->ID; $expire = time() + $TIME; //cookie有效期 if(isset($_COOKIE[$COOKNAME])) $cookie = $_COOKIE[$COOKNAME]; //获取cookie else $cookie = ''; if(empty($cookie)){ //如果没有cookie setcookie($COOKNAME, $id, $expire, $PATH); }else{ //用a分割成数组 $list = explode('a', $cookie); //如果已经存在本文的id if(!in_array($id, $list)){ setcookie($COOKNAME, $cookie.'a'.$id, $expire, $PATH); } } process_postviews(); 浏览数:<?php the_views(true,$post->ID);?>
