> Smarty模板引擎中文在线手册 > include_php

caching enabled. They will be executed on every invocation of the template.

Insert 函数类似欲 inluce 函数,不同之处是 insert 所包含的内容不会被缓存,每次调用该模板都会重新执行该函数.

Let's say you have a template with a banner slot at the top of the page. The banner can contain any mixture of HTML, images, flash, etc. so we can't just use a static link here, and we don't want this contents cached with the page. In comes the insert tag: the template knows #banner_location_id# and #site_id# values (gathered from a config file), and needs to call a function to get the banner contents.

例如你在页面上端使用一个带有广告条位置的模板,广告条可以包含任何HTML、图象、FLASH等混合信息. 因此这里不能使用一个静态的链接,同时我们也不希望该广告条被缓存. 这就需要在 insert 函数指定:#banner_location_id# 和 #site_id# 值(从配置文件中取),同时需要一个函数取广告条的内容信息.

caching turned on, insert tags will not be cached. They will run dynamically every time the page is created, even within cached pages. This works good for things like banners, polls, live weather, search results, user feedback areas, etc.

技术要点: 使模板的一部分不被缓存. 如果打开了缓存, insert 函数却不会被缓存,每次调用页面它们都会被动态加载,即使是在缓存页面中. 该特性可以广泛应用于广告条、投票、实时天气预报、搜索结果、反馈信息等区域.
